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It is absolutely true that the value of RHD has plummeted dramatically in the past six months.As Tycho, Hansen blends swirling melodies into vaguely triumphant arcs that crisscross between stuttering beats and vocal samples, creating rolling sonic landscapes that extend off into the horizon.His story is that the Anunnaki came to earth to create and then enslave the human race because they wanted workers to mine gold.This first day was not a heavy day of filming, however, and nothing compared to what was ahead.
When referee StanGuffey told Wyatt to leave the officiating to him, Wyatt arrestedGuffey.They are trying hard.The wait of 2 or more months between issues hardly did it any favours and I have to admit that it had started to lose me about halfway through as it seemed to become incredibly twee.Mandingo Jones has written up his take on the show, as has CB at KillCastro's new blog.If you're forcing it, it's probably the wrong gear.Recycling trash bags is a big business.